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This is a great article by Rob Poulos of
I mean, it's from real fruit...full of antioxidants and other great stuff from mother nature herself.
Even that old salty fitness trainer who pulls tugboats with his choppers has been telling us to 'juice it' for years.
But there's another side to fruit juice that's VERY UNHEALTHY, and can actually sabotage your ability to get or stay lean.
And, no, I'm not talking about KoolAid and other junk like that with 5% juice...this is the 100% juice we're talking about here.
(By the end of this newsletter, I'll also explain how to best use fruit juice in your phat loss or lean body eating
So what is the problem with juice?
Well, there are 3:
1. Juice is EXTREMELY calorie dense. A typical orange, for example, has about 40 calories. A typical glass of orange juice has around 120 calories... that's 3 times the calories!
2. Juice has almost NO FIBER and will spike your blood sugar like crazy, causing FAT STORAGE.
Back to our orange... it has about 3 grams of fiber which helps slow blood sugar response form the 9 grams or so of sugar in it. That glass of O.J. has almost NO FIBER (stripped out in the juicing process) to combat the over 23 grams of sugar.
3. Juice's blood sugar spikes will make you'll end up eating more and more. While the differences between juice may seem small on a 1 to 1 comparison, keep drinking juice and you'll have a hard time losing phat and keeping it off.
Now, as I said, this doesn't mean you must cut out juice entirely...
One of the best ways I've found to enjoy the antioxidants and great taste of real juice is to simply add a SPLASH of your favorite juice to some ice cold water.
If you're a juice drinker, try it for a few days and you'll find your over-sensitive taste buds will adjust faster than you may expect.
I do this almost every day and it's become like a special tasty treat for Kalen and I.
If you're trying to cut out soda (that's a whole different newsletter!), take the splash of juice and add it to
carbonated ice water.
Don't forget you can also make your own fruit/vegetable smoothies as this won't strip out the fiber...just add some frozen produce to a good protein source and you're good to go!
Alright, so now that you know the TRUTH ABOUT JUICE, you've just knocked down another MISTRUTH on how to get and stay lean and healthy.
Now get out there and eat some real whole organic fruits and vegetables...just as nature intended!
Here's to getting lean, strong and healthy for life,
Rob Poulos
Zero to Hero Fitness
P.S. If you've got kids, they need to hear this too...and so do the schools... they've been cramming fruit juice down my daughter's throat for years. And while there are worse things in school lunches, I believe it is another reason the obesity rates in kids is still on the rise...